How to Find an Agent for Acting

How to Find an Agent for Acting

H ow does a performer, showrunner, manager, or writer notice an amanuensis? Talent agents connect their clients with auditions, arrange meetings, help negotiate contracts, and they tin can provide a helpful mentor role for navigating a career in the amusement industry. Artists tend to recollect of the "Large 4," high contour movie talent agencies, merely information technology is possible to find a smaller top talent agency that might be a better fit for where you are in your career. There are many things you can do before you ever connect with an agent to be as set as possible when it is fourth dimension to take the next footstep. In this post, nosotros interruption down the all-time talent agencies, how to connect with them, and how and when to know you're ready for an agent.

Talent Agency Prep

Are you set for a talent agency?

When to Get an Amanuensis

Ofttimes aspiring performers and creatives think that getting an amanuensis is the answer to getting their career going. While an agent can provide valuable mentorship and connectedness to opportunities, there is much you tin do to get your career in motion before then. Taking your career into your own easily past getting all your bones "ducks in a row" is essential before reaching out to an agent. Beneath is a list of all the steps to have in place:

  • Professional headshots, CV, writing samples or reel
  • Your ain website where yous feature your all-time work, which you update oft to evidence you are active
  • Social media & your own YouTube aqueduct for short films, demos, etc.
  • Attend showcases in your city
  • Book as many auditions as possible!

Before fifty-fifty beginning a search for a height talent bureau, make sure you lot have the nuts in place. You demand headshots, a professional website featuring your reel or writing sample and CV, and a YouTube aqueduct or other types of social media where yous are actively sharing your piece of work and establishing yourself. Nourish showcases, book equally many auditions every bit y'all can on your ain, and put your work out there in as many means as possible. Who knows, you might even go viral on TikTok and have agents reaching out to you.

The Big Time

Height Big Name Talent Agencies

Top x Talent Agencies

When people in the entertainment manufacture think of the summit movie talent agencies, they tend to think of the "Big 4": Creative Artists Agency (CAA), William Morris Endeavor Bureau (WME), United Talent Agency (UTA), and The Gersh Talent Agency. These are renowned equally the best talent agencies in Los Angeles.

CAA, WME, and UTA tend to be for big proper name talent who are already adequately established, and they are, bluntly, mostly inaccessible to the aspiring newcomer. Gersh is a more mid-career agency that connects talent who already take a decent torso of work with excellent opportunities that can assistance them accept their career to the side by side level. But they, too, adopt to find talent via industry referrals and do not take common cold calls.

As with anything in Hollywood, word of mouth and recommendations from someone yous trust go a lot farther than a common cold pitch. Therefore, although these are the height talent agencies for the bigger fish, and information technology is expert to know their names, information technology isn't likely you will be starting out with them.

Summit Agencies


CAA, WME, UTA, and Gersh are the "Big 4" best talent agencies in Los Angeles and New York. It is great to go on your ear to the ground at networking events if you happen to cantankerous paths with an agent from one of these top movie agencies. Just brand sure yous're set up with your excellent, professional headshots, website, CV, and reel. Just keep in mind that none of these agencies take cold calls, and they are not a starting point for near new talent.

Best Talent Agencies for Beginners

Top Agencies for New & Mid Level Talent

Basics for Getting an Agent

Bated from the Big 4, there are many other good agencies that can provide the stepping rock for booking gigs, getting auditions, and building your résumé. For beginner and mid-career talent, a talent agency that is more accessible can assistance accelerate your career path. with some info on their submission guidelines.

Below is a list of the best talent agencies for new actors, or those who desire to augment their work with background roles, voiceover, and more.

Merely remember, an amanuensis from whatever of the best agencies is more likely to take on an creative person who has already started the footwork for finding opportunities and establishing themselves on their own. Most of the best talent agencies for new actors below have your press kit materials via email or snail post, and several accept postcards and invitations to check out your performances.

Always keep in mind to double check their current submission guidelines earlier clicking "send"!

Top Beginner and Mid-Level Talent Agency Takeaways


The top beginner and mid-level talent agencies above are a bit more accessible than the college tier, more than exclusive Big 4 and other agencies that practise not accept cold calls. However, be conscientious to respect an bureau'southward submission guidelines. And, always make certain to double bank check that the amanuensis you are reaching out to still works at the talent agency you're budgeted. People change positions and companies a lot in the industry and you want to have washed your homework.

Best Talent Agencies for Creatives

Superlative Talent Agencies by Specialty

How to discover a Screenwriting Amanuensis

Most of the talent agencies nosotros have covered up to this betoken work with a variety of talent, and are especially relevant for screen actors, voiceover talent, and theatre performers. But for certain creatives, information technology can be helpful to narrow your search based on what the all-time talent agencies are for your specific career path. If you're a showrunner, y'all want to find agents who have a lot of connections in television – not theatre, touring comedy, or brand influencers. Below are some of the best talent agencies based on career path, for showrunners, writers, directors, theatre actors, and music or comedy performers (though each can as well exist useful for actors).

Upwardly NEXT

More than on Auditions & Casting Calls

To dig deeper into arranging casting calls for your own productions, check out our postal service The Ultimate Guide to Casting Auditions [FREE Casting Sheet Template]. In this post we walk you through how to write character breakdowns, arrange for a casting site, post your casting notice, and more. Yous tin can also download our free casting canvas template.

Upwards Side by side: Guide to Casting Auditions →

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How to Find an Agent for Acting

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